The Life of Edgar Allan Poe

             the inventor of the detective story, was a very important critic during his era, and many.

             more accomplishments. He was also known for the use of his meter in his poetry.

             Another well, known author, Ralph Waldo Emerson, called him "the jingle man" because.

             of the way his poetry flowed and how it made the reader feel. His theory of the shorty.

             story was - "Every word, sentence, and image should be aimed directly at a preconceived.

             effect and the mood of the story should be established in the first sentence . the story.

             should be short enough to be read in one sitting.".

             Edgar Allan Poe had many famous and works and a few include and are not.

             limited to The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Purloined Letter, The.

             Cask of Amontillado, The Raven, Romance, and The City in the Sea.

             Poe also has a few characteristics in his horror stories which include: His heroes.

             are idealized projections of himself, his heroines are always beautiful and they always.

             die, his heroes and heroines frequently experience an inner struggle between the will to.

             live and the wish to die, and there are no didactic elements.

             In Poe's famous short story "The Tell-Tale Heart", the earlier mentioned criteria for.

             the short story is masterfully met in all phases. It tells the reader in the first sentence that.

             the narrator is crazy or insane, yet denies and continuously denies it throughout the story,.

             he also explicitly points out and foreshadows events that are to come, and his last point is.

             successful and many critics call him a genius for putting so much information and detail.

             in just around the three to four pages that make up this horrific event. "The Tell-Tale.

             Heart" is the story of a man who is crazy and gets crazier as the story continues. He is.

             greatly disturbed by a neighbors "vulture-like" eye and he decides to kill the man to make.

             his eye go away even though he says he loves the man. So each night he watches the.

             man through his slightly cracked door.

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