Policy Analysis and Assessment: TANF ( Temporary Assistance For Needy Famlies)

Some people file for SSI because they don't want to work anymore. This is why the welfare system needs to pay a closer look on who gets services and who doesn't,.

             How widespread is the problem.

             The problem is nationally wide spread that it is not just affecting the middle working class population; it is also affecting students who apply for financial aid and the low income individuals who actually need the services. The severity of this problem is that it has done nothing to reduce poverty instead it only contributes to it. People are depending and relying on social welfare that they feel the need not to go and get a job. The government spends approximately $131.9 billion on welfare every year. According to statisticsbrain.com the total number of U.S states where welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job is 40. This alone tells a person that why should I go out and get a job when I can just live off welfare. Also the highest percentages of recipients who receive welfare are African Americans which are 39.8%. .

             I think what is known to be important about the cause of this problem is lack of strict proper guidelines that help determine who gets what and who doesn't. Majority of the funding comes from the federal tax revenues that each individual is required to pay every year. Also lack of awareness and encouragement; in terms of not solely relying on government assistance.

             What is the significance of the problem? The significance of the problem is that it is not just lower and middle working class population at risk everybody is at risk if the government doesn't identify the problem and come up with a solution. People with needy families are the main target because the services that they get will be limited. .


             There are sub-groups in this problem and they are mainly African Americans, Hispanic, Asian and white. The African Americans have the highest percentage following the White Americans.

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