BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

This process will bring about more structural changes such as an investment revival, a new wave of reforms, higher investment in human capital and better infrastructure. .

             Independence heightened their need to flee in order to achieve a decent standard of living in the West. But in their 65 years of independence they have done nothing but convert their "precious traditions " into new Western traditions such as art, fashion, music and most importantly wealth. Even though the British were harsh in their ruling; they brought many positive influences into the country. The British established an efficient railway system, a criminal vindication system, eradicating the caste system, and their constant attempt to bring about equality. .

             The promise of wealth continues to entice Indians from the poor classes to desperate measures of leaving the country. Media has broadcast to Indians what first world countries are like. This makes them realize what kind of economic crisis they are in. They then believe that they could be living better if they left their family, friends and everything that is familiar to them in order to start a new life in a new, harsh, foreign country. "The cold truth is that while the rest of the world takes and celebrates its rich food, India is being overridden with the fast food 'junk' industry. While we celebrate its rich cultural heritage, India is yearning for Western retail capitalism. This is where Walmart Stores makes it big debut. .


             Every country is trying to increase their productivity and become the best they can be with what they already have. Nations around the world have improved in government policies, overseas investments, infrastructure and many more. Majority of these countries however, are doing both. The most significant of these countries is China. Its per capita GDP had increased to 5,400 U.S. dollars from 1,000 dollars in 2002 when China was the world's 6th biggest economy.

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