The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

He tries to warm Romeo and that he needs to love Juliet slowly. That if he takes it too fast their love will not last. This is foreshadowing that Romeo and Juliet's love needs to not be taken too fast or slow. The young ones need to think their decision completely through. By the friar telling Romeo to be mindful to not take things too fast. It is showing that young love can be dangerous by it must be handled just right, not too fast and not too slow. Shakespeare wants Romeo to be warned of the dangers if he takes this love too fast. He also wants the audience to know that Romeo is young and does not know how to handle love yet. That he does not know whether he is taking it too fast or too slow. Even though Friar Lawrence warns Romeo that he is taking his love too fast, he warns him a second time. "Here comes the lady. Oh so light a foot/ Will ne'er wear out the everlasting flint./ A lover may bestride the gossamers/ That idles in the wanton summer air,/ And yet not fall. So light is vanity " (II. vi. 16-20). .

             Even after Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that he needs to watch how fast he takes his love. He warns him that love is a rocky road. That Juliet may walk light as a feather but she will fall. That everything that is good can change into a disaster. By Friar Lawrence warning Romeo he is showing that everything can go wrong. He knows that Romeo and Juliet are deeply in love but they are both young and unaware of the danger that their love can get them in. Shakespeare shows that audience just how dangerous Romeo and Juliet love it by Friar Lawrence warning Romeo twice about that dangerous he could get into with his love for Juliet. Young love is so dangerous, it can hurt everyone even the young lover themselves. "I do beseech you, sir, have patience./ Your looks are pale and wild, and do import/ Some misadventure "(V. i. 27-29). .

             Once Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, he becomes wild and impatient.

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