Catholic Citizens in a Free Society

            What are the responsibilities of a Catholic citizen in a free society? As Catholic citizens, in a free society, we have many responsibilities. Some of the responsibilities include volunteering in your community, attending church, and helping one another. There are so many things and good deeds you can do to help the community or people in your local community. You can volunteer at soup kitchens, or help at an animal shelter. These are some responsibilities and different ways of being a Catholic citizen in a free society. .


             There are so many ways to volunteer in your local community. You can take part in town events that need volunteers. As well as, inviting people, in your community, that has nowhere to go on the holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. You can spend your time at a convalescent home spending time with people who are recovering from an illness, or the retired citizens. By visiting convalescent homes, we can make someone's day by simply just talking to them or spending time with them. We can asset at a soup kitchen by donating some cans of food to the less fortunate. You can even spend time at an animal shelter and play with the animals. .

             In the world, we are surrounded with tough challenges. Some of these tough challenges are abortion, violence, poverty, and the death penalty. It is a Catholic citizen's responsibility to help and support these people who fall under these tough challenges everyday. Abortion is a tough challenge to many women these days. Catholics do not believe in abortion and it is our job to help and support these women. Poverty is growing in the world. Many people are homeless and don't have jobs, clothes, food or a shelter. Catholic citizens try to help these people by opening up homeless shelters and providing for their basic needs. As Catholic citizen we are asked to donate blankets, food, money and time to these homeless shelters. Violence isn't the answer to problems in the world.

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