A Strong Stance on Abortion

            Abortion, an immoral activity, is the choice of 1.3 million women only in United States every year. Abortion is no longer a new issue anymore, but it still receives numerous proponents and opponents. It causes controversy from moral and religion to law and medical. Pro-life people against abortion to protect innocent baby; Pro-choice people argue that abortion is a right of women about their body. From my point of view, woman should reject abortion in order to protect themselves as well as save a life.

             As a woman, I know that having an unplanned pregnancy is the most terrible trouble. A pregnant woman has to face to many difficulties from mental such as morning sickness, fatty and unrest, to material such as money, medicine, etc. Having baby force women to stop her dream or her job and focus a hundred percent on her fetus. That is the reason why many women scare and do not ready to have baby. However, there are many methods to prevent pregnancy rather than deny the responsibility on the result of having sex by abortion. Many pictures about steps of abortion make me jolted because they are so horrible and painful. A fetus with every organ like us is clamped and sucked out of women's uterus. It is really not different compared to killing a person. I am a pro-life who totally against abortion to protect innocent fetus, which is a lives. .

             First of all, abortion is contrary to nature, breaks the balance of human life. Pregnancy is a miracle that God give to humanity. There are so many women in the world want to be pregnant, but they cannot. Being a mom is like a mission, a fate. Specifically, just imagine that something real exists, moves in your stomach and lives there nine months; you can understand how wonderful a life is. And what is abortion? It means robbing a life; bereave the chance to be in life of a baby. Moreover, people do not have the right to decide birth and death. Everything is arranged by the Creator.

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