War and Greed

            War has been around since the beginning of mankind. Since we were cavemen, greed to access what others have has prompted anger, jealousy and battles. There are three levels of analysis seem to depict how war is created very well. First and foremost the individual level of creating a war. (Hitler is a perfect example of how one man can truly create a war) The second is the states society, culture, or economics creating a war. In my personal opinion this second reason is by far the most common reason for war. Going back to the French and Indian War, it was fought over territory, aka economics to profit from that territory, another point is some experts argue that a main reason for the war in Iraq was to secure oil trading back with the United States, again controlling the economy. Finally the third level of analysis being the aspect of an anarchist system creating a war or having war brought to them because of their anarchist ways. Even when we look into that detail we see that when an Anarchist state brings other states in for war, it is usually to obtain their territory for their own state to make it more powerful (North Korea and South Korea are perfect examples of this). .

             Having read the three levels of analysis on what creates a war I would say that it would be hard to think of another probable reason for creating a war. However one aspect that was not brought up as a level in the readings or lectures was the idea of religion creating a war. Centuries ago thousands of people lost their lives because of a well known war called the crusades. In this war the pope declared to all his soldiers that if they were to fight for God and Jesus all their sins would be forgiven and they would enter the kingdom of heaven. The Christians then marched to the holy land of Jerusalem and the war between Christians and Muslims has been since (although obviously not as bad as back then). This is just one example of a war of religion but when we look at history such as for instance even the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, some experts will point out that many Muslim extremists were behind the attack on September 11th claiming there hate for American and Christian religion.

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