Budget Sequestration

            It all started back in 2011 when the U. treasury told congress that the government will exceed the maximum amount it can borrow and it will run out of money to pay its bills. Soon after, congress passed a bill called the Budget Control Act of 2011, which raised the debt ceiling and also created a deadline where a law must be passed that reduces the deficit by January 2, 2013 or otherwise there will be an automatic cut in all areas of discretionary spending. Since the super committee failed to agree on a $1.2 trillion deficit reduction package, the sequester was triggered into effect. At the last minute lawmakers passed yet another bill called the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2011, which in some words extended the deadline of the sequester to March 1, 2013. Unless there is further compromise, the sequester will result in across the board cuts to domestic spending.


             Coming to a mutual understanding between both Republicans and Democrats isn't an easy task and neither side is showing any signs of compromising. The Republican party over the last couple of years are simply done raising taxes with president Obama. Republicans believe Obama has proposed the sequester himself, to corner republicans into conforming with more taxes. House Republican Leader Eric Cantor, repeatedly accused the president of offering a "false choice," where its either the republicans come to his understanding or there's going to be budgets cuts all around, causing a self-inflicted wound, again blaming the right. Meanwhile as the clock ticks down, president Obama has traveled almost everywhere as if he were still on a campaign trail gathering votes from the public. House Republican leaders have urged Obama to buckle down with congress to find an alternative to the budget cuts. .

             The president has blamed Republicans for holding up a deal, which under Obama's terms would include a mix of cuts and revenue increases through closing tax loopholes.

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