Academic Challenges and Professional Goals

            Please explain any academic and/or professional goals you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish these goals. Describe with examples of your leadership experience, in or out of school/college in which you significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts: .

             When I started college, my goal was to pick a major and stick with it until I was finished! Well I have halfway done that. I completed my undergraduate with honors in Elementary Education sticking with it until after student teaching, graduation, and certification. However, upon completion I realized that while I love children and teaching I cannot be stuck inside a building all day. Therefore, after completing my bachelors in December of 2012 I decided it was time to enroll at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and get a graduate degree in Sports Management. My goal as an educator was to be the best motivator and encourager I could be and I feel that I can also carry these goals over into sports management. With my ultimate professional goal to become an Intercollegiate Rodeo Coach. In an effort to complete this goal I chose a college in which I had heard great things about the rodeo coach and the program; thus, choosing SWOSU. .

             As a student at SWOSU it's my goal to do my very best in every class receiving an A if possible. My goal is to show future employers that I am dedicated and I always do my best. At SWOSU I have been helping at rough stock practice in an effort to learn both sides of the arena. I have also chosen electives that I feel will help my students mentally prepare for competition. Last year and this coming year I will serve as the Central Plains Goat Tying Director. Serving as director I have studied the rule-book thoroughly with an effort to be prepared to the paperwork side of being a collegiate coach. I have worked hard to establish myself as a fierce competitor, potential coach and professional clinician.

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