Once Upon a Time in America

            For this assignment, I decided to watch and review the movie "Once Upon A Time in America"" by Italian director Sergio Leone. I found this movie by searching on IMDB.com the Top 200 Italian Movies" and this movie was high up on the list, as well the list for best American movies so I thought I would give it a shot. After watching it, I realize why it was given such high reviews by everyone. Although it was nearly four hours long, I thought the movie was very well done and extremely entertaining throughout.

             The movie was kind of confusing for me for the majority of it because of all the flashbacks that occurred, and some of the flashbacks were shown twice in the movie. The movie started out with Robert "Noodles" DeNiro smoking in what seemed to be an opium den of some sort. Then, Robert "Noodles " DeNiro buys a one way ticket our of New York and heads to the place that I think is where he grew up. Next, for about 45 minutes of the movie, the movie flashbacks to when Robert "Noodles " DeNiro was a child. It shows how he was a poor kid growing up and didn't like being home because his mom was always crying and his dad was always praying. Because he doesn't like to be home, he spends his time on the streets doing odd jobs to make money and is consistently getting into trouble. On one such occasion, Noodles and his "gang " try to mug a drunk guy stumbling home from a bar, but another kid snatches the drunk away before noodles and his gang can grab him. Later on, noodles runs into the same guy that stole the drunk guy from him, and ended up forming a relationship over the drunk's stolen watch. This relationship ended up turning into a business partnership and the rest of the movie documents noodles' relationship with Max and the different things the go through to make money. This flashback ends with Noodles stabbing a competitor to death, as well stabbing a police offer, and is shown being driven into the police station.

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