Biblical Reference for Catholic Mass

             vestments and ceremonies involved in it. Jesus liked teaching in temples.

             In fact, He loved it and named it "My Father's House" (Luke 2:49 and John.

             2:16). This shows that Jesus was into ceremony and even the Heaven talks.

             about a ceremony. In Rev 5:8, twenty-four elders floored in front of the.

             lamb, and they all held golden bowls filled with incense and a harp. The.

             book of Revelation reveals that an angel who appeared in golden censer and.

             stood in front of the altar. This angel received a large quantity of.

             incense during prayers at the altar (Rev 8:3).

             With reference to the Bible, these are some of the reasons as to why.

             Catholics uphold the spirit of ceremonies. In fact, the Book of Revelation.

             gives a description with regard to the Catholic Mass. Revelation gives a.

             lot of emphasis and spiritual attachment to the holy Mass. The Catholic.

             Church regards the Mass as a proper and authentic sacrifice. Catholics.

             participate in celebration of Holy Communion or the Eucharistic sacrifice.

             Catholics believe the sacrament of the Eucharistic is the true body and.

             blood of Jesus Christ. This is a main contention among non-Catholic.

             churches. Protestant churches differ over the celebration of Holy.

             Communion and do not believe that Jesus is truly present in the bread and.

             wine as do Catholics.

             There are many scriptural proofs regarding the Mass in the Old and New.

             Testaments. Melchisedech and Jesus Christ in the last supper are examples.

             that stress the significance of the Mass. Melchisedech offered bread and.

             wine when Abraham rescued Lot from Kings, who had stolen a lot of wealth.

             from his nephew in the Old Testament. Melchisedech was a dedicated priest.

             who pleased God. This priest blessed him after the rescue mission of.

             Abraham. Abraham offered many tithes to thank the Lord for enabling him to.

             free Lot from the hands of Hostile Kings. Catholics have argued that.

             Melchisedech did not intent to feed Abraham's army, but to offer bread and.

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