Women in The Awakening and Daisy Miller

            Gender inequality is an ugly reality that has been subsistent in.

             societies since the inception of civilized life. This ever-present.

             prejudice has been forced into the mindset of the masses, and has blatantly.

             impinged on societal norms, making the degradation and objectification of.

             women commonplace. This discrimination, although still a very real issue to.

             this day, faced its culmination in the 19th century. Rarely was someone.

             bold enough to address the injustice, but despite the criticism that would.

             surely follow, there existed writers who believed in the freedom to express.

             their views, no matter how harsh or taboo. .

             Among these writers were Henry James and Kate Chopin, both of which would.

             soon be considered among the most influential writers of their time.

             Their works "Daisy Miller" and "The Awakening", James and Chopin, respectively,.

             explored these 19th century ideologies and the consequences of straying.

             from the gender roles that had become societal convention. In these writings,.

             the primary female characters, Daisy Miller and Edna Pontellier, violated the.

             roles that society had coerced them into, only to die in the end. While the.

             demise of Daisy Miller showed her inability to rise above the societal norms,.

             the suicide of Edna Pontellier demonstrated her success in escaping the.

             clutches of ownership and her attainment of independence.


             The death of Daisy Miller comes rather suddenly and unexpectedly, with.

             the news of her illness until her eventual death spanning just a few.

             paragraphs. As the novel progresses, we see Daisy's relatively rebellious.

             behavior quickly escalating. At the very beginning of the story, Daisy.

             approaches a strange man and within just a few minutes, asks him to take.

             her to visit a castle unchaperoned. By the end of the story, she is seen.

             alone with a different man at the coliseum in the dark of the night,.

             despite the warnings of the consequences of committing such a violation of.

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