My Guilty Pleasures

            I believe that we all do activities we should not do, but decide to do anyway. There are many different reasons why people do activities they should not do, and the reasons vary for each individual. There are three activities that I know I should not do, but I do anyway, and those activities are drinking soda, watching television, and spending too much time on the computer.

             First, one activity that I should not do, but I do anyway is drink soda. One of the main reasons that I drink soda is because of it's taste. I drink soda because it's delicious and its deliciousness made me get addicted to it. Another reason, soda is everywhere. For example, soda is prominently displayed in vending machines, at fast food chains, and supermarket checkouts and that makes it easier for me to drink it. Soda is convenience to me because it's easy to grab and convenient to drink. In addition, soda is pretty inexpensive when compared with fruit juice and milk. Another example, with combo meals, a large soda is only an extra dollar, and I get fries so it's convenient to me to drink it. I drink soda because of those reasons that I mentioned above.

             Second, another activity that I should not do, but I do anyway is watching television. Additionally, I watch television for many reasons. I watch television to relax and get away from reality. For example, I watch the news and yes that is a reality, but it does not directly pertain to me. Television shows, movies, etc., make me forget my worries and problems I have. Next, I watch television to pass time, cheer myself up, or take my mind off of problems. I cheer myself up when I'm in a sour mood. For example, I turn on a comedy show and it makes me laugh and forget that my mood was sour. Furthermore, television takes my mind off of problems, and when I watch television, it kind of feels like I'm entering a different world (like reading), and it takes my mind off a problem that I had.

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