Nu Shu - The Women's Writing of China

            Nu Shu, also known as the women's writing of China, was a major part.

             of Chinese women's lives throughout the 20th century. Unlike any other.

             writing, it is the only known hidden written language. Women used Nu Shu as.

             a way to escape from the oppressive outside world and enter into a peaceful.

             state of mind. Life was hard enough for women; it's scary to think how hard.

             it would have been without Nu Shu.


             Nu Shu was probably the most commonly valued thing for women in China.

             during this time period. It was valued so much because it was used to share.

             women's miseries. China was ruled by men, and women were nothing more than.

             housewives and sometime field workers. What made it so special was that.

             only women knew about it. It was a written language expressed by songs and.

             stories. Any other language besides Chinese was forbidden by Emperors.

             Women couldn't use any form of education, so it had to be formed in secret.

             Having been something only women knew, it was an easy way for them to.

             express their hardships and sufferings. Every woman at that time was going.

             through the same thing, so it was seen as the easiest way for women to let.

             out their feelings. Males dominated society completely, and Nu Shu was the.

             only true form of power that women had. If it had been leaked to the.

             public, not only would it have been banned, but many women would have been.

             sent to jail and killed if found using it. Women were beaten and abused to.

             the point where a good day in marriage was a day you cried. Marriages were.

             always arranged, and many women didn't even have feelings towards their.

             husbands. They had to put up with the abuse and couldn't complain. At any.

             point in time, a man could tell his wife what to do and when to do it.

             Women had no say in the government, their marriage, and in everyday.

             society. The only time they could speak freely was when writing in Nu Shu.

             Their only audience willing to listen was other women, and Nu Shu was the.

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