Rockumentary: From Snapshot to Photo Album

Although the studio sessions in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, are somewhat of a behind the scenes look, it also provides what could be viewed as a foundation for the other persona of The Rolling Stones: the show version. Pearl Jam Twenty also accomplishes this in the same manner, but it is also capable of including numerous interviews that have been recorded over many years. This interviews are not necessarily private conversations, but rather from mainstream venues thus they are somewhat viewed as performances. The difference between the two films in this focus is that in Gimme Shelter, the filmmakers are able to take from the lives what they want. Specifically, the filmmakers are able to record parts of live shows that they needed for their film. Whereas, yet again, Cameron Crowe was at the mercy of what could be found from past recordings.


             Of course, and possibly most importantly, what would a rockumentary be without music? Both films are slammed full of music from the two bands. Of course, in both films we also get little snippets of music from other performers as well. Whether it is in Gimme Shelter or Pearl Jam Twenty, we have music basically from the start of the film to the end of the film. The music within the films ranges from recorded music played over scenes, live takes from shows, or even the creation of songs in the recording studios. This is essential to both films, as the filmmakers use the music to tell part of the story. There are differences in the films in how the music is portrayed, as in Gimme Shelter it seems the music is just a moving soundtrack moving from song to song. However, in Pearl Jam Twenty, the music is almost felt to be another character that you feel and it creates movement from scene to scene. Both films make sure to show that the music is important, for without the music itself, these two films or two bands would not exist.


             Another issue that both films touch on is adversity.

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