Choosing Judaism

This idea of feeling Jewish is dealt with by Kukoff instantly, when she states, "You will eventually, but not through magic and not without effort. You have studied and gone through a conversion ceremony. This made you legally a Jew. But that is not the end. It's only the beginning of a lifelong process "(Kukoff p.23).


             From the third chapter to the end of the book, Kukoff goes through the major facets of one's life that would/will become affected by ones conversion to Judaism. The first of these chapters, entitled "Your Non-Jewish Family", is similar to chapter two in that it is directed at the concerns of individuals who have questions about telling their families that they have converted to Judaism. Kukoff explains different methods of telling one's family that conversion has taken place, but ultimately leaves it up to the reader: "You know your parents best, certainly better than I do, and ultimately you will have to decide when and how to inform them of your Jewishness. Waiting may allow you a bit more "space in your Jewish beginnings" (Kukoff p. 32). This chapter also included a section written by individuals who have experienced the same struggles, entitled "From Others Who Have Been There ".


             Chapter four which is entitled, "Your Jewish Family ", is very similar to the third chapter, except that it has to do more with questions about members of converters' families who are already professing faith in Judaism. The chapter follows the same structure, and takes time to explain the blessing of coming into a family that is already Jewish. However, it also answers questions from individuals who have not been blessed, much like the previous chapters.


             In the fifth chapter, "Your Jewish Spouse ", it explains the details of marriage between a Jewish couple, more particularly between one Jew by birth and one Jew by choice. The chapter begins with the quote: God creates new worlds constantly by causing marriages to take place (Kukoff p.

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