Occupational Psychology

It showed that the need to achieve was positively related to success. This included status-wealth, contribution to society and professional fulfillment, but was negatively related to security and when carried out the type of role i.e. managerial and non managerial was an essential predictor of power needs and accomplishment. .

             C.L. Cooper (2001) also supported Maslow's theory of needs believing that they are extremely important because the nature of work is changing, as employment is now insecure or short term contracts. British employment structure is becoming more Americanized, having longer hours, intrinsic job insecurity and employing a bottom line management approach. Cooper proposed that Maslow's theory is far more important today with the British workforce than it was in the last century. P.E. Ajang (2012) also supports the theory that Maslow's hierarchy of needs have been useful in organisations in motivation, believing that in order for them to be effective and efficient, managers and the organisation must be willing to understand and provide factors that motivate employees within their roles and duties.


             Greenberg & Baron (2003) support the distinction between the growth needs and deficiencies in Maslow's theory but proposed that not all individuals are able to satisfy their higher order needs in employment. Their research found that managers from higher ranks in organisations were able to satisfy both their growth and deficiency needs whereas managers at a lower level were only able to satisfy their deficiency needs at work. Nadler & Lawler (1979) cited in Graham & Messner (1998) believed there were three major criticisms of Maslow's theory arguing that the theory makes assumptions about employees in general. These are that employees are similar, all situations are similar and that there is only one best way to meet their needs. .

             Locke's theory is referred to as a process theory of motivation and proposes that employees are motivated by having specific goals set them and being given the necessary feedback.

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