Memory Loss and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

            At some point in every persons' life, they will experience trauma, and.

             though we know the shock of trauma usually occurs instantly, we.

             cannot always anticipate how the anxiety may affect us in the.

             long term. Those who have personally been exposed to a life threatening.

             event or have been confronted with a serious and disturbing tragedy,.

             may develop what is known as acute distress. Acute distress may leave a.

             person feeling frazzled after a few sleepless nights, but it is not.

             something to be exceptionally worried about until it persists for over.

             a month. When this happens it is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

             (PTSD).(Schiraldi, G. 2009) What many people do not realize, is that.

             Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur at any age, including childhood.

             Symptoms usually begin within the first three months after the trauma, .

             though it can be months or even years before symptoms appear. Many times .

             the symptoms associated with PTSD cause significant problems with marriages,.

             social relationships, and occupational life. According to the DSM-IV-TR.

             (the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders), symptoms include: persistent.

             frightened thoughts and memories of the trauma, feeling emotionally numb or.

             detached, difficulty falling or staying sleep, difficulty concentrating,.

             irritability or outbursts of anger, hyper-vigilance, exaggerated startle.

             responses, as well as not being able to recall certain events or even.

             missing huge gaps of time in their lives. This is commonly referred to as.

             dissociate memory loss and the exact cause of this are still unknown.

             What impact does uncontrollable stress have upon memory function?.


             According to an article published by Yale University School of.

             Medicine, there have been neuroimaging studies to determine the areas of.

             the brain that are affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The two.

             brain areas that have been consistently mentioned include the hippocampus,.

             the area of the brain involved with learning and memory, as well as the.

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