How to Motivate Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

A company or business is not unlike a large mechanical machine. Machines are many times large bodies created for a designed purpose or task. At first glance, you may not notice that the machine in all its size and greatness is made up of many much smaller pieces. These pieces are also designed for a specific task smaller in nature, but relative and vital to the machine they form. Each working piece moves or turns in unison to result in success of the machine as a whole. If one small piece of that robust machine fails, so does the performance of the machine. This is similar to the relationship of a company and its employees. It is vital that each worker does their task as designed for the corporation to be profitable. Several questions have been in existence since the formation of the first company in history such as; how do I motivate my employees to go get the best results for my business? ", why do workers need to be motivated? ", and why is it important to stay connected with my employees? I will examine the important elements of motivation in the workplace, what methods can help motivate associates, and express their vital roll and direct correlation with the success of a business outside the lines of monetary motivations.

             One segment to motivation is the working environment a business embodies. Although creating the right working environment doesn't seem like a big contributor to the motivation of a worker, in reality it plays a huge role in the outlook of an associate. .

             A common saying has been jokingly tossed around in the professional world that says "a happy worker is a productive worker. " Although light hearted as this may be, it is very true in nature. Before we get into what factors make a worker happy, let's talk about what environments could make an associate feel disgruntled and de-motivated. Many times, if an associate is working for a very large corporation, they can feel a major loss in motivation.

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