The Copernican Revolution in Modern Science

             other celestial bodies in the universe was dominated by Ptolemy's.

             geocentric model of the universe which stated that the earth was the.

             centre of the universe and that the sun and other planets and celestial.

             bodies of the universe all orbited the earth(Chavis; 2010). This theory was.

             believed for hundreds of years by Aristotle, Ptolemey and the Catholic.

             church as being the main theory of celestial body astronomy(Chavis; 2010).

             The Geocentric model had believed to have been proven by observing the.

             stars, planets and the sun. Astronomers would see these bodies orbiting the.

             earth and would come to the conclusion that the earth is still and not.

             moving and therefor the centre(Chavis; 2010). The Geocentric model also.

             came with the idea that the earth was round and not flat(Chavis; 2010).

             In Copernicus' new book; "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres", he.

             publicized and stated that the earth was not in the centre of the universe,.

             but instead it was the sun, and that the earth as well as other planets and.

             celestial bodies orbited the sun and were no fixed(Irvine; 2006). This new.

             proposed model by Copernicus that the earth revolved around the sun would.

             be known as the Heliocentric model(Irvine; 2006). With the Catholic church.

             being the main frontier of science during that time and still following the.

             Geocentric model, many top religious leaders such as Martin Luther were.

             quick to publicly declare that Copernicus' Heliocentric model was wrong and.

             evil and therefore against God and the Church(Irvine; 2006).

             Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) came after Copernicus and with the invention.

             of a new type of telescope he viewed and studied the earths moon, Jupiter's.

             moon and the phases of venus. Galileo had many observations but one of his.

             most significant being that he noticed that at certain times, Venus.

             appeared to be in a crescent shape the same as Earths moon. This.

             observation for Galileo further supported the theories of Copernicus and.

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