Educational Program in A New Prison in Canada for Women

             This article provides an analysis of the educational program in a new prison in Canada for women. The article is part of a larger study pertaining to the educational system in all of western Canadian women's prisons, but focuses on one prison and one teacher for this particular segment. The problem is the perceived beliefs of the correctional system when it comes to the education of female prisoners, which are in direct conflict with the standards set forth by the government calling for updated methods and standards when it comes to educating the prison populations. .

             The study was worthwhile in that it used a case study to uncover many fundamentally weak areas when it comes to the ability to carry out the mission statement of the new standards as set forth by the new legislative mandates. .

             There is evidence for grounded a theoretical basis for the research in the conflict between the prison guards and administration and the prisoners ability for autonomy and choices. The research question is clear in whether or not the new mandates are going to be able to be accomplished with the current attitudes and standards being followed in the prison systems. There is however some confusion as to whether or not such a study will be able to determine the ability to teach higher education to the prison population based on this case study because of the constant changes in the dynamics of what the teacher was expected to do. .

             With more high risk offenders being moved into the program, and as offenders were removed from the classroom anytime there were other things going on that they were needed for it was difficult if not impossible to determine whether the program itself had a chance of success in a structured self contained format. .

             The research design is clear because it was a case study however the many variables within the context of that one case study makes the results difficult to determine as pure.

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