Push Pull Strategies

            Because only about 15% of all jobs are advertised publicly, such as in the newspaper or online, people who are serious about finding a new job must find ways to locate the hidden job opportunities. Three techniques for this kind of job search are called "Push," or "reach out," "Pull," or "bring it to you," and "maintain," or "keep your network alive" (Job-Hunt.org, p. 1).

             Pushing simply means to network with one's professional contacts. I will join professional organizations in my field and be active in my alumni association. I will seek to serve on and eventually head committees as one way to meet others and establish professional relationships with others. I will also join a community-based organization such as Kiwanis or Optimists, to further broaden my network while contributing to the business environment in my area (Job-Hunt.org, p. 1). .

             While pushing reaches out to others, "push" draws attention to the job seeker (Job-Hunt.org, p. 1). I will try to create opportunities for me to use my professional skills in public. For instance, as a financial adviser I can offer mini-courses at the local community college tailored to the needs of other professionals, such as the best way to make use of a 401(k) plan, or how to capitalize on other retirement strategies. I will register with a speaker's bureau in my area. Over time I should be able to position myself as an expert in my field. .

             Maintenance of this network of connections created using "push" and "pull" strategies is crucial. I believe the best way to do this is to give of myself in these opportunities and not just look for quick, easy and superficial connections. I believe that getting fully involved with these organizations will be personally rewarding. I believe networking should be based on solid connections that will grow over time. With solid connections, the people I have networked with may well share their networks with me, multiplying the connections I have to the hidden job market.

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