A Study Research on Mental Health Disorders

            Physiological diseases mirror what's wrong with the organic body and is blatantly observable. But psychological or psychiatric illnesses are the unseen strife that permeates the mind and is not all too obvious especially at the onset. One of the common mental afflictions is depression stated simply as feeling sad, lonely, alone, helpless and abandoned. In turn, depression projects in one's social life and makes one a social outcast since how can one deal with others when there is an anguish within?.

             One cause of depression is obesity-or some mean bastards would call you "fatso"-and the manifestation of overweight or "a little plump" on the side diminishes one's self-esteem and self-confidence. Whether depression due to obesity or other factors sociologists, psychiatrists or psychologists come up with, there is a struggle to fight the demons within. Some people are lucky they have the will and perseverance to do battle with "mental unhealth" while others need the help and guidance of professionals. Despite all the obstacles and barriers, the uphill battle starts with conviction to be better, and once overcome, life again will be a bed of roses!.

             There are too many stereotypes with blacks and the black community. There are always two sides to the coin though and before one judges on a perceive notion, careful study and understanding is requisite to come up with a viable solution. The community that blacks need to build is something they have to decide on how the outcome would be. It should start with them like the case with mental unhealth, starting from oneself.

             Schizophrenia, another mental disorder, is labeled as sneaky. But with modern technology and medicine, help is but a phone call away. Regular treatment and medication will normalize one's life-and of course, a peaceful existence contributes as well. Mental health is so interesting since it is a peak into the slightly unseen and sometimes - the unknown!.

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