Germany and the Nazi Fascists

            The historian: In the historian's book (Stern), Albert Einstein is presented objectively, factually as a genius in science; as "meticulously simple" in person," a celebrated hero, very progressive person who was "horrified at the beginning of [WWI] (36); who believed war "was a disease" (42); who hated nationalism and militarism (38). And when Einstein left Germany in 1932 and later "denounced" Hitler's regime (48), Einstein's books were burned; Einstein is portrayed as taking an activist role to warn FDR that Germany might have a nuclear weapon; he also feared the U.S. was "somehow following the path of Germany." .

             Stern describes Haber as a Jew-turned-Protestant, as a scientist (inventor of poison gas used in WWI) and a loyal patriot (very much the opposite of Einstein). He believed science had "a special mission" to help the nation (54) and he was "untroubled" (63) by the results of his poison gas development. Haber clearly was willing to advance the cause of "the fatherland" rather than pursue science help humanity, yet in the tragic end of his life, he was driven from his field of science by the very fatherland of Hitler that had originally supported.

             The novelist: In Hegi's novel, characters fictional of course but they reflect the true social conditions in Germany pre-war and during the WWII. Unlike the factual narrative of the Stern book, characters in Hegi's novel are presented in the descriptive context of their emotions, of their interactions with other characters, and within the framework of the theme and tone of the plot. Trudi is described in vivid, emotionally-rich ways. .

             Trudi's life is that of an outcast, in many ways, which is what the Jews were in Nazi Germany. The reader is invited to come along and find out what it's like to be very short and ugly, but to want to be part of the society. The theme of Trudi's life is similar to the theme of Jews at that time - struggling to survive in a world that has seemingly turned against her.

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