Technological Advances and its Many Ramifications

            There are many ramifications to new technological advances, and therefore it seems logical that ending these advances would also have issues and problems that should be addressed. Some technology can be harmful to the environment, and when an enforceable decision is made to halt the development of new technology in order to protect the environment, there are economic, social, and political consequences that must be faced. It is important to look at these and determine what they are, in case a decision such as this is ever made. A decision that is made without all of the facts often does not turn out well, and many people would be affected by a decision to halt the development of new technology, even for a noble reason such as the protection of the environment.

             From an economic standpoint, halting the development of new technology could be very problematic. Many people work in the technology field, from those that create new ideas to those that take those ideas and turn them into reality. In addition to those people, there are others that use the new technology in their jobs. If technology was halted, many of those that work in research and development would not have anything else to work on, and researchers and scientists across the country would lose government grants and other money that they receive to create technological advances. They would not be able to do the work that many of them have spent their lives involved with and they would be out of their jobs, forced to find some other line of work or work in areas that only used the technology that was already available. This would seriously harm the economy of the country because so many people would be out of work from it, and when those that used the new technology found that it was obsolete for what they needed to do, there would be nothing else that they could do to find ways of making their jobs and their lives easier.

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