The Health Problems in Pregnancy Associated with Coccaine

             There are many health problems that are known to be associated with the use of cocaine. They include heart rhythm disturbances, heart attacks, respiratory issues, chest pain, neurological effects, seizures, headaches, strokes, stomach pain, upset and nausea and sometimes death(COCAINE The impact of cocaine use during pregnancy cannot be ignored as the above issues pass through the placenta to the fetus, but there is also a risk of lowered IQ in the child who was exposed to cocaine during gestation. .


             There are several measures in place to help those addicted to cocaine to stop using the drug during pregnancy. Some of those include legal monitoring through a court order, social workers and mentors. All of these measures can be effective depending on the willingness of the participant and the attitude of the monitor. .

             The attitude of the person monitoring the expectant mother can have a positive or a negative impact on the outcome. If the monitor has a positive, upbeat attitude that conveys a "WE" can do it attitude, the mother will be less apt to feel that she is being treated like an addict who is beneath society. She will be more apt to feel that it is a team effort and that everyone involved cares not only about the health and safety of her unborn child but also cares about her health and safety. .

             Making a pregnant woman feel that the only concern is about the baby and that she is of little consequence can further damage an already fragile self esteem which can lead to cravings to get high and numb the pain. .

             It is important to create a team atmosphere and attitude so that the mother feels she is part of the solution and not just the problem. .

             The use of urinary testing as a monitor can be highly effective if the mother understands that it is to help her get past the cravings for the drug. In addition, the knowledge that she is putting her baby at risk for being placed in foster care following birth if she fails the screenings may assist her in overcoming or getting past craving the drug.

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