The Importance of Staff Development in Nursing


             In a critical care nursing environment, without communication nurses cannot work efficiently with other critical care providers to ensure the best interests of the patient are carried out. .

             Goals and Outcomes.

             The goals and outcomes of the educational intervention selected include: (1) enhancing communication within the critical care nursing unit (2) promoting greater collaboration among work teams by teaching the importance of relationship building and (3) improving critical care teams working knowledge of technological innovations including their understanding of the contributions technology makes to the nursing work environment. The educational intervention or program designed will work to improve staff members comfort level working in a team environment and encourage members of the team to problem solve together in an efficient and productive manner. .

             Learning Objectives and Design Model.

             For purposes of this curriculum a task oriented or centered design model will be adopted to facilitate learning among critical care nurses. This model offers steps and strategies for teaching incumbents "how to do" things within the work environment and outlines a series of activities and steps that can occur to enable individuals to attain learning and work objectives (Caspi & Reid, 2002). This model was originally developed to help promote educational supervision, but can be easily modified to accommodate the needs of critical care workers. The model assumes field instruction is vital to the success and ability of students to transfer skills from the classroom to the work environment, part of the reason this model makes sense for critical care workers (Caspi & Reid, 2002). .

             The task orient model contains three distinct phases; the beginning phase where workers first meet and outline their goals and the tasks they will engage in, as well as negotiate "potential obstacles"; the middle phase and the end phases, where the incumbents review and prioritize goals, select tasks necessary to achieve them, and review the results (Caspi & Reid, 2002).

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