The scientific technology of Behavior

            1) A scientific technology of behavior can be beneficial in several ways. The way in which society functions requires certain behaviors. Most of these behaviors are learned while we are children both in the home and in school. An effective scientific technology of behavior can be immensely useful in the tasks of teachers and parents. The psychological principles at the basis of such a technology can serve to help parents and teachers understand the root of behavior and how to effectively shape this. Children need to be taught to function effectively in the world they will enter after leaving school. To be effective, functioning members of society, certain behaviors are necessary. The scientific technology of behavior can therefore help not only to understand the general behavior of children at certain stages of their lives, but also the basis of the required behaviors of a well functioning society.

             On the other hand, a particular technology of behavior could also be problematic in certain cases. The basis of any science is set rules and outcomes. Behavior on the other hand is pliable and variable. All rules do not apply in all cases, as they would in a scientific technology of other, concrete disciplines. In a mainly psychological discipline such as behaviorism, however, both the words "scientific" and "technology" may prove somewhat inappropriate. Indeed, the rules concomitant with this kind of technology may mislead some educators and parents to apply it inappropriately for a particular case.

             I do however believe that it is necessary to study behavior and set paradigms for understanding, studying and shaping the behavior of young children. This should however be done with extreme caution against using it as a concrete, physical science. The basis of a scientific technology of behavior should be the study of behavior as the pliable, arbitrary phenomenon it is. The focus should therefore be behavior rather than technology.

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