Cocaine Usage

             Cocaine is the most commonly used drug affecting millions of users worldwide. Typically, what starts out as an experimental and recreational usage leads to a stage of complete dependence on the drug and total disintegration of the individual. Cocaine usage leads to an addictive personality that destroys the personal and social life and not infrequently results in death of the individual. The risk of fatality is particularly high if the drug is taken in combination with alcohol as the combination creates highly toxic metabolites. [Lyn Barkley Burnett, 2006] Cocaine intoxication results in the following physiological and psychological effects. First comes the stimulative effect of the drug, which is the driving factor for the drug consumption. [NCADA] Primarily, the drug blocks the norepinephrine receptors while simultaneously increasing its release. Cocaine also blocks dopamine and serotonin receptors, sodium and potassium channels, and thus increases dopaminergic transmission, which is responsible for the high feeling that is experienced. [Lyn Barkley Burnett, 2006] The next stage that immediately follows the high feeling is the feeling of depression and despair. [NCADA] The induced CNS stimulation (caused by the disturbances in the dopaminergic function) result in high irritability, sleep disturbances, and paranoia.[ Lyn Barkley Burnett, 2006] Hallucinations, delusions and other psychotic behavior are also observed in advanced stages. .

             Researchers have identified four different stages of cocaine addiction. The first stage is the 'the compulsive stage' which is reached soon after the start of the habit. In this stage, the user feels compelled to use the drug more to feel normal and relaxed than to feel the high. (feeling high becomes more difficult) The addict feels restless without the drug and the fear of being without the drug becomes a threatening prospect. The next stage is "loss of control" wherein the addict feels an offer of the drug irresistible.

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