The Male-Oriented Material Object

             A condom is a material object used by men. It looks like a balloon that has not been inflated. Condoms are made of stretchable latex or plastic, which to some extent you can see through. They come in exotic colors and shapes, but the basic kind are white or transparent and tubular shaped. Some people call them rubbers, safs, or jimmies. .

             Men who are mature and sexually responsible use condoms to keep their partners from getting pregnant and to prevent catching or giving a sexually transmitted disease. A condom is worn on the penis during sex. The man ejaculates (comes) into the condom instead of into the woman. The condom catches the semen and holds it, preventing it from entering the partner's body and causing pregnancy. Latex condoms protect against HIV during anal sex too. Both partners are protected against infections.

             Condoms can be bought at the drug store or obtained free at an agency like Planned Parenthood. They come in a tight little foil package that is flat and ring-shaped and easily carried in a man's pocket. If the man has a regular relationship, he can get them in bulk quantity. But even if he doesn't have a regular relationship, it's a good idea for a man to keep condoms on his person just in case the opportunity for sex presents itself. They do get old, though, and start to deteriorate, especially if they are not kept in a cool, dry place. After a few months, they should be replaced. A back pocket, wallet or the glove compartment of the car are not good places to keep condoms, at least not for any length of time, because too much heat can cause the latex to rot and get holes in it. It's important that there be NO holes in the condom, and that is one of the things a man should check for before he uses a condom. When he opens the package, he can hold the condom up to the light to make sure there are no pinpoint holes. Throw it away if it has any or is torn, brittle, stiff, or sticky.

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