Major Health Issue

             Stress is an issue for the elderly, in part because of other health problems and their reaction to them, and in part because of their loss of identity and a role in society. Various aspects of life can lessen the impact of stress. A review of research is conducted, leading to a proposal for an empirical study.


             Stress is a major health issue that is not always seen as the cause of the many health problems with which it is associated. Stress is associated with certain particular life events, such as a financial crisis or overwork, though stress can be caused by a number of different factors. Stress has been associated with age in various ways, showing some of the stressors that face the elderly and some of the health problems that result. Some of the research shows the course of stress over a lifetime, meaning how stress may increase during one's working life and then continue for different reasons in old age. Old age has particular stressors deriving from financial need, health problems, the health problems of loved ones, and problems with children and grandchildren.

             Stress is associated with old age because of some of the changes involved in that time of life. Lieberman and Tobin (1988) point this out when they write,' .

             Because of the increasing likelihood that valued extensions of self will be lost with advancing age, threat and loss models are prevalent for explaining wellbeing and adjustment among the elderly. Although loss has at one time or another throughout history been associated with the vast diversity of the physical as well as psychological ills that befall mankind, loss models are particularly relevant to the second half of life. Death of others becomes ubiquitous among the elderly; decreasing physical capacities and chronic impairments must be confronted; and loss of work and family functions results in the roleless role of the elderly (p. 67).

             The role people play in their working life is often the cause of stress, but for the elderly, having that role removed can be a cause of stress.

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