Life Being a Socialite

            We see them in the society pages of daily newspapers. They are frequently photographed in parties, covered in special editions of fashion and society magazines. They live the glamorous life of what majority of the people have always aspired to be-rich, famous, and eternally full of energy and happiness.

             These are the images that we see as we look into the faces of the so-called socialites-financially-capable and socially-able individuals whose lives revolve around social gatherings and parties-individuals who live during the night and hibernate during the day. Socialites are admired for their being unique, for having the "right" taste in fashion and culture, for being connoisseurs at everything involving humans as social actors/animals. They are set apart from the rest because they know high culture, and how to live it. They are the models of the worry-free human life, where life becomes an opportunity to enjoy and have fun everyday, and revel at one's fashionable (that is, expensive) and high culture attitude and persona.

             And why shouldn't we admire the socialites? We ordinary people can only gape at their hundred-thousand-dollar clothes, bags, shoes, and other accessories. We can only stare as we look into their possessions: the thousand-dollar-worth purse, the $100+ lipstick or makeup, even the fashionable and very expensive mints s/he uses as s/he tries to remove the smell of the cigarette the socialite was puffing out a while ago. We could only shake our heads as they gulp a branded bottled water, only to leave this more than $10 bottled water on the table, half-empty. .

             But hey, they can afford it, right? I mean, socialites live this high-maintenance life because they can afford to live it, right? These luxuries are not whimsical purchases; the expensive things they buy are necessities. Socialite A bought this $3,000 purse because it is made of durable leather-not to mention it is the "must-have" purse of the season.

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