Smart Ways Airline"

             An airline's fleet is one of its most important assets and as such its composition and deployment directly influence the airline's profitability. "Smart Ways Airlines" offers a comprehensive fleet planning and aircraft evaluation service that has guided the strategic decision-making of a variety of operators worldwide.

             Computer software has been developed in-house to facilitate the analysis of multiple equipment and route combinations using a particular airline's ground rules. This is indispensable for determining the optimum aircraft mix for a carrier's current and future network.

             A comprehensive database is maintained on the technical, operational and economic characteristics of all commercial aircraft and business jets currently in service or under development. The company is therefore well equipped to undertake comparative economic studies of new or used aircraft types to any degree of detail required.

             "Smart Ways Airlines" fleet planning services are supported by rigorous understanding of commercial aircraft technology aided by excellent working relationships with airframe and engine manufacturers.

             "Smart Ways Airlines" will fly Boeing 747-8 International planes. These planes will seat 450 passengers divided into three class sections, in two aisles. These planes were chosen because they will provide a quieter flight, produce lower emissions, and achieve an excellent fuel economy. The Boeing 747-8 will have a lower seat-mile cost than other Boeing 747s and has 25% more cargo space, which provide for better luggage and cargo accommodation. The Boeing 747-8 is actually 13% lighter per seat than the A380 and will consume around 15% less fuel per passenger than a 500 seat plane. .

             The wingspan on the Boeing 747-8 International plane is approximately 224 feet (68.5 meters). It is approximately 243 feet (74.2 meters) long and 63 feet (19.4 meters) high. Its thrust is 66,500 pounds and cruise speed is mach .

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