A Critical Analysis of the Author's Thesis and Web Site Evaluation

            The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11" by David Ray Griffin. Specifically it will contain a critical analysis of the author's thesis and a critical evaluation of the Web site: st911.org. The terrorist attacks on New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001 were a defining moment in U.S. history. As such, they have brought great debate, discussion, and dissention among the American people. Author David Ray Griffin offers an alternative take on the events surrounding the terrorist attacks; including a disturbing theory that the government has been withholding evidence regarding the attacks, and that all the events did not occur as they seemed to occur and were reported by the government. The st911.org Web site echoes many of these conspiracy theories and offers even more. While dissent and discussion are a valid part of the American democratic process, Griffin's theories are flawed for a number of reasons, including his lack of concrete evidence. He bases much of his research on theory but does not offer the solid evidence to back up his sometimes outlandish claims.

             The author implies that not enough study has gone into the events of September 11, and that the press has not helped by sweeping many of the events under the rug rather than bringing them out in the open. He also maintains the entire situation has altered the U.S.'s world policy and how the rest of the world views the country. More importantly, he asserts the people do not know the truth about what happened in the attacks, and that some of the "official" information regarding the attacks may be falsified or is suspect. He also maintains the American press, due to fear and threats, is afraid to question the events of 9/11, and that questioning needs to occur. Thus, he writes his book as an answer to questions and a very different view of the events surrounding the terrorist attacks.

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