Rudyard Kipling A Writer of Classic Works

             There are many writers in the world but only a few become known as an author of classic works. Out of those who become known as a writer of classic works, even fewer do so by writing several different types of work. Rudyard Kipling is one of those rare writers. He not only became famous as the author of classic pieces of literature but he did it in fiction, non-fiction and poetry(Kipling When one studies the life of Rudyard Kipling one can see that his life and events in his life are what shaped him into the writer that he became(Rudyard Kipling .


             Before one can begin to understand how the life of Kipling shaped him to become the author that he became it is important for one to have an understanding of his life. .

             Kipling was born in 1865 five days after Christmas. The place of his birth was the city of Bombay India . At the time of his birth his father made a living as an arts and crafts teacher at an art school while his mother was a housewife. His mother however, was the sister in law to a famed painter named Edward Bume-Jones whose work was renowned in the area(Rudyard Kipling .

             For reasons that are not entirely clear Kipling's parents made the decision when he was six years old to place him into foster care. He was left in a home at SouthSea. For many years the abandonment he received by his parents at such a tender age stuck with him and it later showed up in his now famous short story called Baa Baa Black Sheep(Rudyard Kipling .

             Some people will argue that his parents sent him to a lodging house for the purpose of giving him an English education but the pain of being sent away at such a young age played out in his later life and writings(Biography

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