STEP Plan: To Improve the Teaching and Learning Environment

             It must change in order to meet and exceed changes in science and technology, society and the way people think and learn. Today, it is essential to improve the way teachers are teaching and the way students are learning in order to successful prepare the student for the future. These improvements should be contextually and culturally sensitive. These improvements must be changed in a way that reaches each and every student regardless of their cultural background and prepares them with the skills necessary to be able to pass the required proficiency test and to be prepared for a successful future. Therefore, the "STEP" plan is designed to improve the teaching and learning environment at all grade levels.

             "STEP" is an acronym for "Students and Teachers Educationally Prepared". The main goal of this plan is to provide teachers with the professional development and proper tools to educate students with technology and updated materials and content that are geared to promoting cultural diversity in an interactive learning environment. The purpose of the plan is to provide an effective, stimulating, and high quality learning experience that also teaches real time cultural diversity through worldwide networking. This will be done through the use of computers and networking in the classroom to accompany the book based curriculums. Teachers will be given the main test related topic designated by the district and which will taught it in a way that stimulates every student's interest. The student will then complete all assignments with the aid of technology in some form. The students will use computers to research topics, find .

             information and to network with students from other chosen schools who have high test scores from around the world. This plan will be implemented by all science and math .

             teachers and students daily for approximately one month. The end goal is to educate the teachers to use this type of plan with future projects and assignments in hopes of improving the teaching and learning environments within the classroom.

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