Relationship Between the Criminal Justice System and Mental Illness

While only five percent of the population within the United States suffers from some form of mental illness, sixteen percent of individuals within the U.S. prison system suffer mental illness, clearly showing an over representation of these individuals within the system (Ditton, 1999). Some studies even suggest that the rate of incarceration of the mentally ill is four times that of the general population for males, and nearly six times that of the general population for females (Cox, 2001).

             The question, then, may be asked if the criminal justice system is ignoring the issues of mental illness, but studies suggest this is not the case. In the Los Angeles county jail system alone, over $10 million a year is spent on psychiatric medications for inmates (Faust, 2003). Another study showed that nearly half of all U.S. states have, in the last four years, established commissions or task forces specifically designed to look into the connection between the mental health system and the criminal system. Further legislation has been introduced in five states calling for such commissions (Souweine, 2004). In some states, such as Ohio, serious efforts have been put into place to assist the mentally ill. Ohio state prisons have quintupled the number of mental health professionals on staff, developed better mental health screening, provided more beds for the criminally insane, improved guard training, and improved funding for inmate mental health care (Kaufman, 1999).

             With all of these efforts in place, it is difficult to see why the problem of untreated mental illness exists. In order to understand the problem, it is essential to first understand the origins of the situation. In the mid-1950's through the 1970's, attempts were in force to dismantle the warehouses of the mentally ill through a process known as "deinstitutionalization". At the time, mental institutions were simply holding areas for the insane, with sparse living conditions, harsh "treatment" procedures including electroshock therapy in unsafe conditions, and brutalization of patients (Treatment Advocacy Center, 1999).

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