Government perspectives on the threat of global terrorism

             A - Government perspectives on the threat of global terrorism .

             security measures pre 9/11 and their efficacy up until the events occurring during the 9/11 attacks.

             2.Perceived successes and failures of security related to terrorism in the pre 9/11 era.

             3.Definitions of global terrorism in the West compared with those shared by the U.N. and global community. .

             B - Security measures in place to help combat terrorism in the pre-9/11 era.

             1.Overview of primary tools used to combat terrorism up until attacks. .

             2.Overview of the efficacy and use of security tools in the pre 9/11 era and their impact on the terrorist attacks occurring during 9/11. .

             C - Consumers vs. government official's perceptions of security threats and of security measures in place pre 9/11. .

             1.Review of literature on consumer's opinions of terrorism in the pre 9/11 phase.

             2.Review of the measures governments adopted to successful combat terrorism prior to the attacks of 9/11. .

             Impact 9/11 on Citizenry and Government Officials .

             A - Meaning of 9/11 in the global world.

             1.Impact of 9/11 on the international community.

             2.Effects of 9/11 on perceived efficacy of current security measures in the West and abroad. .

             3.Overview of security changes other countries have adopted in light of terrorist attacks.

             4.Analysis of international perception of terrorist threat and security measures adopted by the U.S. in the post 9/11 phase. .

             B - New Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. and Abroad.

             1.Review of terrorism historically and redefined view of terrorism in the West and abroad resulting from the 9/11 attacks.

             C - Government definitions and evaluation of security post 9/11. .

             1.Gaps in security as defined by government agents in the post 9/11 era. .

             2.Gaps in security as defined by consumers including lack of adequate screening or other protection measures necessary to reduce terrorist threat nationally and internationally. .

             9/11 Effects on Airline Security and Industry.

             A - Airline Security Pre 9/11 .

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