Voice over Internet Protocol Security Issues

Ghaffar's recommendations are also reflected in the findings of tests completed by Goode, 2002. .

             VOIP Provider's Security Strategies .

             Given the fact that VOIP networks transmit data and voice, the complexities of defending such a complex network from many different types of security attacks and vulnerabilities require thorough planning. Presented here are several strategies that VOIP providers can use to increase the level of security in their VOIP networks. These strategies are based on the work from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2005. .

             First, creating a network architecture that separates voice and data logically and for increased performance is critical, in addition to defining separate DHCP servers specifically for dial in accounts. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and it basically checks out Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to computers and inbound callers to give them an identity on the TCP/IP network. Included in the separation of voice and data, there is the need for bringing in at least 256-bit encryption technologies for controlling administrative access to the voice gateway system. What makes this first strategy challenging for many VOIP providers is the corresponding need to provide an access through the firewalls for specific session parameters to be passed from one system to another.

             Second, complete an audit of all information sharing processes and look for opportunities to mitigate risks to information and system operations. Only after these internal audits are completed should a VOIP system be installed and used. The best practices in this area of integrating VOIP systems with business processes is still emerging, and as the standards in the market mature, there is likely to be challenges to integrating VOIP system components together.

             Third, any VOIP provider must focus on support for the evolving E-911 emergency services standards to ensure any subscriber anywhere can reach a 911 call center for assistance.

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