The Organizational Behavior Trends

             This paper discusses organizational behavior trends from two different standpoints. The first of these is the impact that ethics has on decision-making, and the second is the impact that technology has on work-related stress. Both of these topics are very significant, and they are becoming increasingly more important as society moves into the era of globalization. Because of this, they must be addressed in order to determine what is taking place in them and whether they are being dealt with appropriately where most companies are concerned.

             Thinking ethically, and therefore behaving ethically as a result of that thinking, is very important in business. Although the news is often full of individuals in business that did not think and act ethically, they make the news because they are the exception, not the rule. Ethics involves the standards of behavior that indicate how an individual should be acting in a particular given relationship (A Framework, 2006). Many people believe that ethics involves the feelings that an individual gets that tell him or her whether something is right or wrong. These feelings are often important, but they are not what ethics really is. Ethics are also not: religion, law, the accepted norms of culture, or science (A Framework, 2006). All of these issues can relate to the way that a person thinks or feels about a business decision that must be made, but none of them can truly be said to be ethics. .

             These other important issues that people use to determine what decision should be made do not necessarily make the decision an ethical one, as there are people that would feel uncomfortable with doing something, even though it is 'right,' and others that would feel perfectly content doing something that is considered to be 'wrong' (A Framework, 2006). Because of this, the identification of ethics for making decisions within the business environment is very difficult.

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