The Six Sigma

             Globalization coupled with round the clock access to information, products and services have transformed the manner in which business are conducted. The highly competitive environment of the present day does not allow any scope for error to creep in. Customers must have to be kept always delighted and companies have to persistently work out novel ways to exceed the expectations of the customers. Due to these reasons, Six Sigma came to be part of the culture of eminent companies. Six Sigma is an extremely structured process that assists companies in focusing on the development and delivery of product and services that are close to perfect. Sigma is a statistical term that calibrates the degree a particular process deviates from perfection. The core concept behind Six Sigma remains that in case it is possible to calculate the number of flaws or defects one has in a given process, it is possible to thoroughly know the manner in which to remove them and attain the level of 'zero defect' as far as practicable. Adoption of Six Sigma has transformed the basic structure of General Electric -- GE and has become the work culture in everything one does and every product designed. (Making customers feel Six Sigma) .

             Important concepts of Six Sigma:.

             In order to attain Six Sigma quality, a process should not exceed 3.4 defects per million opportunities. An 'opportunity' stands for a chance for noncompliance, or not fulfilling the needed stipulations. This implies that businesses have to be close to 'zero-defect' in implementing the core processes. Six Sigma constitutes a vision which companies endeavor towards and a philosophy that is a constituent of business culture of companies. In its core, Six Sigma centers on a few important concepts. These are (i) Critical to quality: Attributes are vital to the customer. (ii) Defects: Unsuccessful in delivering what the customer desires. (iii) Process capability: What process it is able to deliver.

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