The Detailed Examination of the Arabs in Israel

The Israeli government and many of the nation's citizens insist that the discrimination allegations are false and misleading. For one to fully realize and accept that the Arabs are indeed being discriminated against one only has to hold various tangible situations that they encounter against the situations that were encountered by African Americans during the first part of the 20th century. .

             The United Nations believes that the Arabs are indeed being discriminated against and said as much in a recently published report that was released last year. .

             It says: "The government did little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens(Cook, 2004).".

             The humiliating treatment of the Arabs is one issue that the United Nations believes proves the discrimination that the Israel government currently denies exists. .

             "Among many issues, it notes the humiliating treatment of Palestinian citizens, including community leaders, during security checks at airports and checkpoints(Cook, 2004). ".

             During the 20th century in America, African Americans were forced to live in substandard housing and work in substandard employment environments. .

             The quantity of available buildings for Arabs to reside in are not enough in numbers for the need. While most people in America will agree that the Arabs should not be confined to certain buildings the fact is they are often confined by societal attitudes and the available buildings are too few in number and have been for a significant amount of time. .

             The quality of the buildings that are available are also in question. The repairs do not occur in the manner and speed that they do in other areas of the nation. The buildings that are made available to the Arabs are often in such disrepair that they are uninhabitable. .

             African Americans when through similar problems in the early years of the 20th century. They were relegated to "Colored' area when it came to buildings that they could rent and own.

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