A Critical Analysis on "Brief Counselling That Works"

Finally, a "Message", or mission statement, is formulated that prescribes a course of action that satisfies both counselor and client, and any follow-up is recommended and scheduled.

             Chapter 5 of Sklare's work deals with techniques to be used in follow-up appointments for clients currently using the Solution Focused Approach. For these latter sessions, Sklare recommends a combination of what he refers to as EARS and Scaling to identify progress and possible new strengths and solutions. The EARS process is an acronym that stands for:.

             "Elicit what's better.

             Amplify the effects of what's better.

             Reinforce how these changes were brought about.

             Start over again discovering additional success." (Sklare 88).

             Eliciting refers to the process of identifying one's successes since implementation, or one's positive coping mechanisms in the face of adversity if the situation has worsened or stagnated. Even in a situation where success seems elusive, a student can be shown how he or she may actually be exhibiting positive thoughts and behaviors, yet still be entrenched in an uphill battle against external forces over which the student has no control. Amplifying occurs when a student discovers how his or her new attitude and behavior positively affects the situations of others. The process of Amplifying "empowers students to recognize the impact of their actions, which in turn reinforces students to take on further challenges that may not have been attempted otherwise." (Sklare 91) Reinforcement is another form of Cheerleading; this is where the counselor restates the client's strengths and successes to stress their importance and the client's positive progress. Starting Over brings us full circle to use the client's new coping skills to tackle other problems or expand upon the issues already under consideration. Finally, each follow-up session should include Scaling to continue assessing the client's progress and measure success, and a new Message to provide focus until the next session.

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