Prozac Poop Out

Some people who have taken antidepressants for years can't get off them no matter what they do. Others have to increase their dose as time goes by or add a second antidepressant to get the same benefit. This is called "Prozac poop out" in the medical profession. The doctor who treats depression makes an excellent living, though. If the government passed a law that every patient had to have psychotherapy, the results would be devastating to the doctors' income (Turnquist, 2002).

             Some people believe everything they hear on TV. The ads make it seem like all you need for a wonderful life is to take Prozac or something like it. People think all their dreams will come true if they take it. It's a lie. It is better to feel unhappy and do something about it-take a brisk walk, lift some weights, or find a hobby. If you are angry, find a way to forgive. Help other people so you aren't so absorbed with yourself and your own problems. Find a psychotherapist. These are better than taking a pill because they help you to learn about yourself and grow up.

             Issue 9 (6) - Ever since the 1960s when college students began to smoke marijuana, the issue of its illegality has been debated. Some people claim marijuana would never have been illegal, if it weren't for the fact that organized crime needed something illegal to "push" after prohibition was repealed. It would certainly seem that the controversy has gone on long enough and that most everything about it has already been said. If not legalized, marijuana should at least be de-criminalized.

             The Drug Enforcement Administration (Marijuana, the Facts, 2001) argues that marijuana leads to crime. They claim 40% of males arrested for crimes have marijuana in their blood at the time of arrest. This fact does not show any causal relationship. The same males may also have tested positive for alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, but we do not claim these substances "cause" crime.

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