Differences between Extraverts and Introverts and Eysenck's Theories

             This paper will focus on the differences between extraverts and introverts and Eysenck's theories of why there are such differences. Eysenck states that there are a number of reasons why extraverts are more likely to engage in a wider variety of sexual activities that are introverts. .

             Some of Eysenck's studies focused on showing the differences in traits when comparing extraverts and introverts. He used 122 Royal Navy ratings who were assigned to one of four testing conditions, employing the combinations of morning and afternoon testing and group and isolation testing.

             The task for these participants was one of crossing out the letter "e" whenever it occurred in a sample of English prose.

             His findings were that introverts perform better in isolation, extraverts in groups, and that again introverts perform better in the morning, extraverts in the afternoon.

             These findings are to show that there are indeed differences between extraverts and introverts, and further studies would show that the extraverts were more apt to be outgoing, showed higher rates of arousal than introverts and that social conditions will act as additional drive to extraverts (sociable), but as distractions to introverts (unsociable).

             Eysenck did remind researchers that most of the tests were not very definitive, and that most performance curves taken over different times of the day show best performance during the morning and waning performance in the afternoon.

             Eysenck's experiments often times concentrated on raising excitation and lowering inhibition and many times found that those who were labeled as extraverts were more affected by electrical stimulation and the introverts less affected. He also studied thresholds in flicker fusion frequency in relation to personality. He found very little difference between the extravert and introvert personality in this case.

             With these marked differences evident in both extraverts and introverts the explanation for extraverts being more likely to experience a wider variety of sexual activities when compared to introverts can be traced to their personality.

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