Criminal Forensic Pathologists


             Since bite mark identification is based on the individuality of the tooth indentation, and then that dentition is used to match a bite mark to the suspected perpetrator, it is most important that the tooth-to-tooth comparison utilizes the correct parameters of shape, alignment and size. .

             With this new 3-D approach a better contrast and comparison can be made which makes the identification of the perpetrator easier and more reliable. This method is especially effective with the front teeth, which have the first contact to the skin.

             This method is supported by CAD and it also plays an important role when a detailed 3-D reconstruction (not related to dental) is needed. In a study conducted by Michael Thali, a series of photographs were taken of a soft-tissue injury to the face. The injury was caused by being run over by an automobile. The objects had to be series photographed and then evaluated with Rolle/Metric multi-image evaluation system. "This system measures and calculates the spatial location of point shown in the photo sequences, then creates 3-D data models of the objects" (Thali 2000, pg 281). The created data models are then compared against the tire treads to confirm a match. It is evident that this type of new technology can be very effective, providing more of an efficient and reliable method to providing evidence in many cases.


             "The validation of the forensic, CAD supported photogrammetry, as shown by the perfect 3-D match between the tire tread and the facial injury, demonstrates how greatly this 3-D method surpasses the classic 2-D overlay method (one-to-one photography)" (Thali 2000, pg 282). .

             Another new advance which pertains to photographic advances is called image fusion. "Image fusion is a process of combining two or more images into an image, it can extract feature from source images, and provide more information than one image can" (Wen 2004, pg 217).

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