The laws That Stop Child Abuse


             "The circumstances of the abuse this girl suffered were horrifying and among the most tragic that I've ever come across," said Erik Pitchal, director of the Center for Family and Child Advocacy at the Fordham School of Law. "The manner in which she spent her last days is heart wrenching(Goldman, 2006)." .

             As with other child abuse cases that make national news there had been warning signs that all was not right in the world of a seven year old girl in New York City. After she missed 47 days of school last year the authorities were called and they went out to the family to investigate. For reasons not yet made public the investigation was closed within several weeks. .

             "The agency failed to find "educational neglect when it was clear the girl had not been attending school," said ACS Commissioner John Mattingly(Goldman, 2006).".

             The three months before her death Nixzmary was almost saved again when ACS received another complaint about her care. She and her siblings were interviewed as well as her stepfather and her mother but for reasons not yet clear the caseworkers were not able to gain access to the child's home to do an inspection and again, the case was closed without explanation. .

             "Santiago's relatives said they didn't know what was taking place. They lost contact after Nixzmary moved from Puerto Rico to New York several years ago. Ramos, Santiago's aunt, said she hadn't seen Nixzmary in four years. If the family had been aware this never would have happened," Ramos said. "Never. Never. Never(Goldman, 2006)." .

             Now that Nixzmary is dead the agencies, the authorities and the world is looking into the case. Too little two late but it is important to study this case and others that are similar to it for the purpose of improving reporting, and investigation of future child abuse cases. .

             During the indictment of her stepfather it was discovered that he tied the child up with anything he had available.

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