The Concept of Literature and Fiction

             The world of literature and fiction could seem strange to a species that is not from this planet. It is interesting to examine how an alien would explain these concepts to his superiors after a visit to Earth.

             A Strange Concept.

             This is a report concerning my experiences on the planet Earth. I was exposed to a strange concept known as literature and fiction, and will try to enlighten you on this matter.

             The inhabitants of the planet seemed to be focused on a subject known as literature. They had buildings dedicated to literature, known as libraries. These buildings not only contained the written word in things called books, but also offered literature on tape recordings, which allowed the people to listen while driving or working around their homes. There were also establishments which specialized in the sale of literature, known as bookstores. People could examine a wide variety of subjects to find something that held their interests. These bookstores encouraged reading and relaxing by offering food and drink for sale.

             Fiction is a type of literature which is not considered to be true. People mainly enjoy fiction as a way to escape into another world or life. There are a number of types of fiction such as mysteries, in which a crime is solved, and romance, where the reader can experience the concept of love. There are also magazines, known as tabloids, which many of the inhabitants consider to be complete works of fiction, but I don't quite understand this since the stories are about real people. .

             From what I understand, literature has been around for many years, and is an important factor in the people's lives. It has been used as a means to record the history of the planet and gives people a better understanding of their ancestors. Unfortunately, some inhabitants in remote areas are unable to enjoy literature due to the inability to read and lack of access to materials.

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