The Compititive Of Data Base Management

Meanwhile, with PPS, Medicare wants to know especially what it is paying for, and why Errors can result in a facility losing money or, worse, being prosecuted for fraud (Szatala, 2000). This important aspect shows what is viewed as necessary and warranted by Medicare. Through the years that have been issues of what is covered and what is not covered, as well as for how long, not to mention if these processes were truly necessary. The data set incorporates so many aspects that at one time were singularly controlled. This allows the opportunity for a system to be more efficient, reduce timed errors, as well as reduce the amount of questions that are often created through all of the processes that were done individually at one time.

             An important aspect in the article explains how having a system that incorporates all of these aspects, can be nothing but an asset to any business. Facilities that are able to create patient profiles can effectively communicate with managed care organizations concerning the outcomes data i.e. length of stay, re-hospitalization, resident satisfaction, and clinical outcomes (Szatala, 2000). .

             There are aspects in the article that create a strong impact , as well as drive even further the necessary aspects of having such a compiled system. Szatala (2000) does a great job of expressing what the database can do, as well as how much easier it makes the lives of staff and other personnel. .

             Information systems can also support informed decision-making, as well as increase the operational efficiency of a long-term care facility. A marketing information system is most helpful in supporting decision making by tracking inquiries, actual admissions and discharges, and donors who support the facility. A facility can also use those data for trending, attempting to pinpoint the appropriate market area and customer profile. Judson has a marketing information system that tracks inquiries, prospective residents, admissions, and discharges.

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