Why Not Support Mercy Killing?

            Euthanasia or mercy killing is something that I would never support. My staunch opposition to euthanasia is based not on religious views or values or on the simple belief that human life is too precious to be allowed to wither away or die till its time has come. I also firmly believe that when we allow someone to resort to mercy killing, we are neglecting such important values as dignity of human life, struggle, winning, overcoming adversity- some values that we all grew up with. All our lives we have been taught to adhere to these values so that when circumstances are tough and there appears to be no way out, we would still hold on to these precious lessons and not give up till we succeed. Euthanasia seems to violate all the values of hope courage and dignity of human life. It stands is stiff competition with them as if trying to challenge them. We have come to believe that when a person is in pain and there appears to be no cure, he/she should be allowed to die. This is an extremely painful situation for anyone to be in, I understand that, but it is even more shameful to not believe in a power greater than ourselves and to give up hope. Haven't we always been told that the entire world is holding on to hope and its very foundation is grounded in that hope? If hope were not important, we would have all allowed all the slaves to always remain just that- slaves. If there was no such thing as vision for a better future, these very slaves would have never gained freedom and their children would still be in chains. But as we know that this is not the case today. They are free because someone once said 'I have a dream'. Euthanasia stands against hope and when we let someone die, we let our own belief in hope die along with him. .

             Hope springs eternal in human breast- it was a wise man who once said that. And I feel that a person can achieve wonders and work miracles if he sticks to hope. Euthanasia is one thing that kills hope or results from the death of hope.

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